- Ensure scales is positioned correctly using the level at rear of scales
- Switch on scale without placing anything on scales (internal calibration will take 1- 2 minutes)
- Press F2 for quick set up tablet counting
- Weigh container mass to confirm press F5
(Once container for holding pills has being calculated and programmed into scales this step can be bypassed. If another container is used with a different mass it will need to be reprogrammed.)
- Add pills for sample count followed by pressing enter
(Recommended pill sample count of 10 can be adjusted to 5)
- Add pills to count (pills to be loaded at a slow rate especially if the tablet being weighed is small)
- To re-count different pills using same container press CLR and re- start sample count process.
- To exit counting function and use balance for weighing press Press F1. If screen not clear press → T← key (on the left or on the right)